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ECBarre pay you for looking advertising.

With ECBarre, win money and gift. Contest, championship, ptc, lottery etc nice website. (Around 5 to 6 $ per month without referral. Could pay you a part of net connexion fees.)

For that, you only have  to be registered, download the bar or viewer of remunerated publicities and to make function in a corner of your screen. You can put  it where you wish.

This bar will bring back points to you, but it is not the only way to get points then  money at the end of each month. Sign up to know all the possibilities of this site,  it's  free.

Sign up

Click sign up above, then on the site  you will see "inscription" on the left menu, click it.

Give the information below: Mail, pseudo, password, password again, surname, name, address, post code, town, country and paypal email for payment.

Tape the security code and check "Je reconnais avoir pris connaissance du règlement".

And "valider"

You will receive a mail to validate your account, to be a member of Ec barre you have to click the validate link.


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